by William Shakespeare
at the Gerald Freedman Theater
at University of North Carolina School of the Arts
February 19 - 22, 2014
Scenic Design by Brian Gillick
Costumes by Sarah Gray
Wig and Makeup Design by Jill Elaina Haley
Lighting by Christopher Annas-Lee
Sound Design by Cole Hamrick
Photography by Christopher Annas-Lee and Jill Elaina Haley

         "This show was what not only Shakespeare but all theatre should innately be: fearless."

- Classical Voice of North Carolina

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Shakespeare wrote plays that people enjoyed and wanted to watch; in short, he wrote plays that were entertaining. And that’s what happened Wednesday night when Henry V, directed by Stephen Brown-Fried, opened at UNC School of the Arts.... This production does [Shakespeare] proud. Just as Shakespeare put flesh on history, Brown-Fried and his band of actors have put flesh on Shakespeare... It may be a while before such an extravagant feast of language and ideas is set before us, and never again in these particularly able and vital hands, bodies and lips.
— Winston-Salem Journal
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Contrary to standard academic conditioning, performing Shakespeare is far from formulaic. The vitality of the text craves originality and new approach, which sadly, far too many theatre-makers seem timid to take on. UNC School of the Arts’ satirical production of KING HENRY V demolishes tiresome theatrical norms, and restores Shakespeare back to his original intent... Guest director Stephen Brown-Fried is to be applauded for executing such a refreshing take on the Shakespearean play. The primary plight of performing Shakespeare for modern audiences is the question of accessibility. Here, with this current depiction, as the production slowly evolved into itself, the audience was able to connect with each of the characters organically. Brown-Fried also employed satire and creative staging to keep all the viewers on their toes. With nuances such as deconstructing music stands into swords and shields, incorporating FaceTime for the characters to communicate with cell phones and projection screens, and juxtaposing contemporary attire with fanciful costumes and wigs, Shakespeare was brought into the 21st century. In UNC School of the Arts’ KING HENRY V, nothing was predictable, yet everything made perfect sense.
— Classical Voice of North Carolina
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